| |
Street | University Hospital Centre "Mother Tereza" |
City | Tirana |
Country | Albania |
Telephone | 00355 682045638 |
Chairman of National Society | Prof Myftar Barbullishi |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | m_barbullushi@yahoo.com |
Registry Representative | Dr. Diamant Shtiza |
Registry Representative E-mail | diamantshtiza@yahoo.com |
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Street | OEDTR - Austrian Dialysis and Transplant Registry
Medical University Innsbruck,
Schoepfstraße 45/1. UG |
Postal code | 6020 |
City | Innsbruck |
Country | Austria |
Telephone | [+43] 512 9003 71849 |
Acronym / abbreviation | l |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Christoph Aufricht |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | christoph.aufricht@meduniwien.ac.at |
Registry Representative | Dr. Julia Kerschbaum, MSc, MPH |
Registry Representative E-mail | julia.kerschbaum@i-med.ac.at |
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Street | 220020, Narochanskaya 17, National Center of Paediatric Nephrology and Renal Replacement Therapy |
City | Minsk |
Country | Belarus |
Telephone | +375172501051 |
Chairman of National Society | Prof. Alexander Sukalo |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | kafedra.pediatria1@yandex.by |
Registry Representative | Dr. Sergey Baiko |
Registry Representative E-mail | baiko@yandex.ru |
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Street | Department of Pediatrics |
Postal code | University Hospital Antwerp UZA |
City | Antwerp |
Country | Belgium |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Johan van de Walle |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | Johan.Vandewalle@ugent.be |
Registry Representative | Prof. Dr. Koen Van Hoeck, MD, PhD |
Registry Representative E-mail | Koen.VanHoeck@uza.be |
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Country | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Registry Representative | dr. Danka Pokrajac |
Registry Representative E-mail | dankapokrajac@hotmail.com |
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Street | Clinic of Pediatric Nephrology, University Pediatric Hospital, |
Postal code | 11 Acad. Ivan Geshov blvd., |
City | Sofia |
Country | Bulgaria |
Telephone | +359 2 8154 322 |
Registry Representative | Dr. Dimitar Roussinov |
Registry Representative E-mail | mitkorouss@yahoo.com |
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Street | Univ Children's Hospital |
City | Zagreb |
Country | Croatia |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Danica Batinic |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | danka.batinic@zg.t-com.hr |
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Country | Cyprus |
E-mail | avraamelia@hotmail.com |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Avraam Elia |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | avraamelia@hotmail.com |
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Street | Univ. Children's Hospital Motol |
Postal code | V Uvalu 84, 15006 |
City | Prague |
Country | Czech Republic |
Telephone | [+420] 224432000 |
Website | https://www.pediatrics.cz/sekce-a-pracovni-skupiny/sekce-nefrologicka/ |
Chairman of National Society | Prof dr. Tomas Seeman |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | tomas.seeman@Lfmotol.cuni.cz |
Registry Representative | dr. Karel Vondrak |
Registry Representative E-mail | 8080@seznam.cz |
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Street | Aarhus University Hospital |
City | Aarhus |
Country | Denmark |
Telephone | [+45] 89496747 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. James Heaf |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | rittig@ki.au.dk |
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Country | Estonia |
Chairman of National Society | dr Ulle Toots |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | ylle.toots@lastehaigla.ee |
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Street | Hospital for Children/Adolescents |
City | Helsinki |
Country | Finland |
Chairman of National Society | Christer Holmberg |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | Christer.Holmberg@hus.fi |
Registry Representative | Patrik Finne |
Registry Representative E-mail | patrik.finne@helsinki.fi |
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Street | Robert Debre Children's Hospital |
City | Paris |
Country | France |
Telephone | +33 1 40 03 21 42 |
Website | https://www.sfndt.org/partenaires/registres/rein |
Chairman of National Society | Prof. Georges Deschenes |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | georges.deschenes@rdb.aphp.fr |
Registry Representative | Prof. Etienne Berard,
dr. Cecile Couchoud |
Registry Representative E-mail | berard.e@chu-nice.fr |
| cecile.couchoud@biomedecine.fr |
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Country | Georgia |
E-mail | d_tiko@hotmail.com |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Tiko Davitaia |
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Street | University Children's Hospital |
City | Heidelberg |
Country | Germany - Certain |
Telephone | +49 (0) 6221 56 8401
+49 (0) 6221 56 35876 |
Website | https://certain-registry.kikli.uni-heidelberg.de/ |
Chairman of National Society | Prof. Dr. med. Burkhard Tönshofff |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | burkhard.toenshoff@med.uni-heidelberg.de |
Registry Representative | Kai Krupka |
Registry Representative E-mail | Kai.Krupka@med.uni-heidelberg.de |
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Street | KfH Kuratorium fur Dialyse und
Nierentransplantation e.V. |
Postal code | Martin-Behaim-Strasse 20 |
City | 63263 Neu-Isenburg |
Country | Germany - KfH |
Telephone | +49 61 02/3 59-0 |
Registry Representative | Gero Von Gersdorff |
Registry Representative E-mail | gero.von-gersdorff@uk-koeln.de |
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Street | General Hospital of Athens "G.Gennimatas" - YSE - 154 Messogion Ave |
City | Athens |
Country | Greece |
Chairman of National Society | Prof. Dr. P. Passadakis |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | nefreter@otenet.gr |
Registry Representative | dr. N. Afentakis |
Registry Representative E-mail | ysenephro@gna-gennimatas.gr |
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Street | Semmelweiss Univ Dept Paed |
City | Budapest |
Country | Hungary |
Telephone | [+36] 13343183 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. György Reusz |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | reusz@gyer1.sote.hu |
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Street | Landspitali University Hospital |
Postal code | Division of Pediatric Nephrology |
City | Reykjavik |
Country | Iceland |
Telephone | +354 824 5227 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Vidar Edvardsson |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | vidare@landspitali.is |
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Street | Univ Children's Hospital Temple Street |
City | Dublin |
Country | Ireland |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Dennis Gill |
Registry Representative | dr. Atif Awan |
Registry Representative E-mail | atifawan1@gmail.com |
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Street | Ospedale Civile of Palermo |
City | Palermo |
Country | Italy |
Telephone | [+39] 0916666078 /067 |
Acronym / abbreviation | SIPN |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Silvio Maringhini |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | s.maringhini@ospedalecivicopa.org |
Registry Representative | dr. Enrico Verrina for the Italian Paediatric Dialysis Registry, dr. Dino Mattucci for Centro Nazionale Trapianti |
Registry Representative E-mail | enricoverrina@gaslini.org |
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Street | P. Stradins Clinical University Hospital |
City | Riga |
Country | Latvia |
Registry Representative | dr. Harijs Cernevskis |
Registry Representative E-mail | Harijs.Cernevskis@stradini.lv |
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Street | Vilnius University Children's Hospital |
City | Vilnius |
Country | Lithuania |
Telephone | [+370] 52720371 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Augustina Jankauskiene |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | augustinajankauskiene@yahoo.com |
Registry Representative | dr. Augustina Jankauskiene |
Registry Representative E-mail | augustinajankauskiene@yahoo.com |
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City | Valletta |
Country | Malta |
Registry Representative | dr. Valerie Said-Conti |
Registry Representative E-mail | valerie.said@gov.mt |
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City | Chisinau |
Country | Moldova |
Registry Representative | Prof. Neli Revenco |
Registry Representative E-mail | neli_revenco@hotmail.com |
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Street | Institute for Diseases of Children |
City | Podgorica |
Country | Montenegro |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Snezana Pavicevic |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | snezanaisrdjan@cg.yu |
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Street | Mother Theresa 17 |
City | Skopje |
Country | North Macedonia |
Telephone | [+389] 2 3229 156 |
Chairman of National Society | dr Nora Abazi |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | noraabazidr@yahoo.com |
Registry Representative | dr Nora Abazi |
Registry Representative E-mail | noraabazidr@yahoo.com |
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Country | Norway |
Chairman of National Society | Damien Brackman |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | Damien.Brackman@helse-bergen.no |
Registry Representative | dr. Anna V. Reisæter |
Registry Representative E-mail | areisate@ous-hf.no |
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Street | Medical Academy Wroclaw |
Country | Poland |
Telephone | [+48] 713284778 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Danuta Zwolinska |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | nefped@nefped.am.wroc.pl |
Registry Representative | dr. Aleksancdra Zurowska |
Registry Representative E-mail | azur@amg.gda.pl |
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Street | Hospital San Joao |
City | Porto |
Country | Portugal |
Telephone | [+351] 964094405 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Caldas Afonso |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | aafonso@hsjoao.min-saude.pt |
Registry Representative | dr. Conceicao Mota |
Registry Representative E-mail | conceicaocmota@gmail.com |
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Street | L. Turcanu Children's Emerg. Hosp. |
City | Timisoara |
Country | Romania |
Telephone | [+40] 256203303 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Aurel Bizo |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | cornelaldea65@yahoo.com |
Registry Representative | dr. Liliana Garneata |
Registry Representative E-mail | lilianagarna@yahoo.com |
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Street | Nephrol Dept Moscow Research Institute |
City | Moscow |
Country | Russia |
Telephone | [+7] 4954885113 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Maya Ignatova |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | nephrolog@pedklin.ru |
Registry Representative | dr. Elena Molchanova |
Registry Representative E-mail | Molchanova_e_a@rdkb.ru |
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Street | University Children's Hospital |
City | Belgrade |
Country | Serbia |
Telephone | [+381] 1685155 ext 15 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Brankica Spasojevic |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | brankicaspasojevic@yahoo.com |
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Street | University of Pavol Jozef Safarik |
City | Kosice |
Country | Slovakia |
Chairman of National Society | Prof. Ludmila Podracka |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | podracka12@yahoo.com |
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Street | University Medical Center |
City | Ljubljana |
Country | Slovenia |
Telephone | [+386] 15229600 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Nina Battelino |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | nina.battelino@mf.uni-lj.si |
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Street | Hospital Univ. La Paz. Nefrol. Infantil |
City | Madrid |
Country | Spain |
Telephone | [+34] 917277458 |
Website | https://www.aenp.es/ |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Mercedes Navarro Torres |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | mnavarro.hulp@salud.madrid.org |
Registry Representative | dr. Angel Alonso Melgar, dr. Mercedes Navarro Torres |
Registry Representative E-mail | aalonso.hulp@salud.madrid.org |
| mnavarro.hulp@salud.madrid.org |
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Street | Karolinska University Hospital |
City | Stockholm |
Country | Sweden |
Telephone | [+46] 858580000 |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Maria Stendahl |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | snr@lj.se |
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Street | Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern |
Postal code | Finkenhubelweg 11 |
City | 3012 Bern |
Country | Switzerland |
Telephone | [+41] (0)31 631 59 80 |
Registry Representative | prof. Claudia E Kuehni |
Registry Representative E-mail | kuehni@ispm.unibe.ch |
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Street | AMC |
City | Amsterdam |
Country | The Netherlands |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Jaap W Groothoff |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | J.W.Groothoff@amc.uva.nl |
Registry Representative | Prof. dr. Marc Hemmelder
dr J.W.Groothoff
(RichQ) |
Registry Representative E-mail | m.hemmelder@nefrovisie.nl
| j.w.groothoff@amc.uva.nl |
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Street | Erciyes University |
City | Kayseri |
Country | Turkey |
Website | https://www.cocuknefroloji.org/site/ |
Chairman of National Society | dr. Ruhan Dusunsel |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | druhan@erciyes.edu.tr |
Registry Representative | dr. Sevcan Bakkaloglu |
Registry Representative E-mail | sevcan@gazi.edu.tr |
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Street | National Medical Academy of Postgraduate education |
City | Kiev |
Country | Ukraine |
Registry Representative | Prof. Dmytro Ivanov |
Registry Representative E-mail | ivanovdd@i.kiev.ua |
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Street | Royal Hospital for children |
City | Glasgow |
Country | United Kingdom |
Website | https://ukkidney.org/ |
Acronym / abbreviation | BAPN |
Chairman of National Society | dr. David Hughes |
Chairman of National Society E-mail | Bapnpreseident@renal.org |
Registry Representative | dr. Heather Maxwell |
Registry Representative E-mail | Heather.Maxwell@ggc.scot.nhs.uk |
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